Prophet’s Dua at Sunrise

أَللّٰهُمَّ أَمسى
O “Allah” ! The day has come
ظُلْمِي مُسْتَجِيراً بِعَفْوِكَ،
while my oppression has sought refuge in Your Forgiveness,
وَأَمْسَتْ ذُنُوبِي مُسْتَجِيراً بِمَغْفِرَتِكَ،
and my sins have sought refuge in Your Pardon,
وَأَمْسى خَوْفِي مُسْتَجِيراً بِأَمْنِكَ،
my fear has sought refuge in Your Security,
وَأَمْسى ضَعْفِي مُسْتَجِيراً بِقُوَّتِكَ،
my weakness has sought refuge in Your Strength
وَأَمْسى وَجْهِيَ الْبَالِيَ الْفَانِي
and my transient existence
مُسْتَجِيراً بِوَجْهِكَ الْدَائِمِ الْبَاقِي،
has sought refuge in Your Everlasting Existence.
أَلْبِسْنِي عَافِيَتَكَ،
Grant me well-being,
وَغَشِّنِي بِرَحْمَتِكَ،
and cover me with Your Mercy,
وَجَلِّلْنِي كَرَامَتَكَ،
and honor me with Your Nobleness,
وَقِنِي شَرَّ خَلْقِكَ
and keep me safe from the evil of Your creation,
مِنَ الْجِنِّ وَالإِنْسِ
from the jinn and man.
يَـا اللّٰهُ ياَ رَحْمٰنُ ياَ رَحِيمُ.
O Allah! O Compassionate! O Merciful!